Mediastinal Mass

Case 87: Thymic Cyst or Cystic Thymoma Paid Members Public
Prevascular space mediastinal lesions can be generally differentiated from one another, including thymic cysts from cystic thymomas

Case 81: Medial Cardiophrenic Angle Lesion Paid Members Public
The differential of a medial cardiophrenic angle lesion is limited

Case 80: Upper Posterior Paravertebral Mass Paid Members Public
The differential of an upper posterior paravertebral mass is short and limited

Case 78: Slow Growing Lung Lesion with a Mediastinal Component Paid Members Public
A growing lung lesion should be of concern

Case 62: Using MRI with Dynamic Contrast and Cines to Sort out an Unusual Superior Mediastinal Lesion Paid Members Public
MRI is a good problem solving tool in patients with complex and unusual mediastinal lesions

Case 42: Every Necrotic Mass in the Prevascular Space of the Mediastinum is NOT Tuberculosis Paid Members Public
Every Necrotic Mass in the Prevascular Space of the Mediastinum is NOT Tuberculosis

Case 40: Why is 2 + 2 Not Considered 4? Paid Members Public
A mediastinal mass where 2 + 2 = 4

Case 8: Rupture of a Mediastinal Node into the Lung Paid Members Public
14-years old girl with a large, tuberculous, necrotic right paratracheal mediastinal node that ruptured into the lung.