
Snippet 19: The Various Uses of Prone Imaging Paid Members Public
The many uses of prone imaging during CT chest examinations

Case 66: The Importance of the Inspiratory-Expiratory Pair Paid Members Public
An inspiratory-expiratory pair can help pick up air-trapping, which can then help focus on the diagnosis

Case 61: Using Prone Images Beyond ILDs and Fungal Balls in Cavities – A Case of Unusual Collapsing Rounded Opacities Paid Members Public
Prone images can be used for other indications apart from ILDs and fungal balls in cavities

Case 50: Back to First Principles - Checking for Enhancement Paid Members Public
It is important to look at plain scans and if necessary measure HU values to check for presence - absence of enhancment once in a while

Case 23: Simulating a Chest X-ray on CT Scan To Compare with Prior X-rays using “Mean” Projection Paid Members Public
60-years old 40 pack-years history smoker - resolving an RUL lesion using the "mean" projection function