Lung Cancer

Snippet 18: The Jellyfish and Multiple Pleural Tag Signs Paid Members Public
Two new signs, the jellyfish sign and the multiple pleural tags to different pleural surfaces - help in improving our ability to predict visceral pleural invasion

Case 41: The Insidiousness of this Entity Paid Members Public
Approach to a non-resolving opacitiy in the elderly

Case 9: Non-Resolving Consolidation and Multifocal Opacities Paid Members Public
64-years old with a non-resolving consolidation and multifocal opacities who finally had a confirmed diagnosis of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma.

Case 4: Lymphangitis Carcinomatosis Paid Members Public
70-years old lady with Ca breast, with progressive dyspnea. She had nodular septal thickening in the right lung, more in the right lower lobe with larger discrete nodules. These findings are characteristic of lymphangitis carcinomatosis