Connective Tissue Disease

Lecture: Connective Tissue Disease ILDs Members Public

A basic lecture on connective tissue disease ILDs

Bhavin Jankharia
Connective Tissue Disease

Case 58: Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis - Scleroderma ILD Members Public

Scleroderma ILD, secondary PPFE and progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF)

Bhavin Jankharia

Case 39: Upper Lobe Subpleural Fibrosis Members Public

27-years old with progressive upper lobe subpleural fibrosis

Bhavin Jankharia
Interstitial Lung Disease

Snippet 09: Variant Fibrosis Members Public

Variants fibrosis - fibrosis patterns that suggest CTD-ILD with two new signs "island-like fibrosis" and "heterogeneous lung destruction".

Bhavin Jankharia

Snippet 07: CT Signs Suggesting a CTD-ILD Members Public

CT scan signs that strongly suggest the likelihood of an underlying connective tissue disease

Bhavin Jankharia
Connective Tissue Disease

Case 10: Non-Resolving Progressive Opacities, Organizing Pneumonia and a Diagnosis After 3 Years Members Public

67-years old lady who presented in 2017 with an organizing pneumonia (OP) pattern, and then 3 years later with significant progression

Bhavin Jankharia
Interstitial Lung Disease

Featured Posts

Case 104: Popcorn is the Classic Appearance, but Not Always

Snippet 21: Approach to Right Medial Cardiophrenic Angle Lesions

Case 103: SFTP

Snippet 20: Practical Approach to Diffuse Cystic Lung Diseases

Case 102: Tracheobronchial Tuberculosis

Lecture: Risk Stratification of Lung Nodules

Case 101: When the Pattern of Lung Disease Gives a Clue to the Diagnosis

Snippet 19: The Various Uses of Prone Imaging

Case 100: CT of Covid-19...4 Years and 3 Months Later

Case 99: A Cleft Lung Puzzle

Lecture: Connective Tissue Disease ILDs

Case 98: Acute Increased Dyspnea in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - First Considerations

Case 97: How to Identify and Diagnose Miliary TB as a Cause of ARDS

Case 96: When it Runs in the Family

Lecture: NSIP and OP

Lecture: How to Approach a Patient with Interstitial Lung Abnormality (ILA)

Case 95: When the Nodule is an Island

Lecture: Imaging of Sarcoidosis

Snippet: The Jellyfish and Multiple Pleural Tag Signs

Lecture: CT of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Case 94: How Early is Early...

Case 93: The Asymmetric Chest Wall

Lecture: Lung Cancer Screening in a TB Endemic Country

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - XII - 26th Oct 2023: Mediastinum

Case 92: New Ground Glass in a Patient with a Fibrosing ILD

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - XI - 19th Oct 2023: Non-Resolving Opacity

Case 91: Bubble Lucencies, Central Lucencies, Bubbly Consolidation

Case 90: The Probable UIP Conundrum - Time Matters

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - X - 21st Sep 2023: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule - III - Subsolid Nodule

Case 89: Diaphragmatic Dysfunction – Eventration, Paralysis…Does it Matter

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - IX - 14th Sep 2023: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule - PFN, Juxtrapleural Nodule, Nodules in Smokers and Lung-RADs

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - VIII - 07th Sep 2023: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule > 8 mm

Snippet 17: How to Diagnose Subtle Progression of Interstitial Lung Disease at the Secondary Pulmonary Lobule Level

Case 88: Flour Mill Worker Disease

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - VII - 10th Aug 2023: Diffuse Cystic Lung Disease

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - VI - 03rd Aug 2023: Smoking Related Lung Diseases

Snippet 16: Inflammatory vs Fibrotic ILD

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - V - 20th July 2023: All About the Centrilobular Nodule

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - IV - 13th July 2023: Non-ILD Diffuse Lung Diseases

Case 87: Thymic Cyst or Cystic Thymoma

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - III - 29th June 2023: Non-Fibrosing ILDs

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - II - 22nd June 2023: Fibrosing ILDs - contd & Introduction to Non-Fibrosing ILDs

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - I: Fibrosing ILDs - 2023 06 15

Approach to Small Diffuse Lung Nodules - Lecture

Snippet 09: Variant Fibrosis

Snippet 08: Mosaic Attenuation

Snippet 04: Fibrotic NSIP vs Probable UIP

Snippet 02: Centrilobular / Bronchocentric Nodules

Snippet 01: Differentiating Traction Bronchiectasis from Honeycombing